How To Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring

How To Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring?

To fix scratches in vinyl flooring, use a vinyl scratch repair kit or try filling them with clear nail polish. Vinyl flooring is prone to scratches, but straightforward solutions are available to restore its appearance and prevent further damage.

Due to its durability and affordability, vinyl flooring has become a popular choice for many homeowners. However, despite its resilience, vinyl flooring can still be susceptible to scratches over time. Whether caused by furniture legs, pet nails, or sharp objects, these scratches can be unsightly and compromise the overall appearance of your floors.

Fixing scratches in vinyl flooring doesn’t have to be a complicated process. You can try a few simple methods to restore your floors to their original glory. We will explore a couple of easy techniques you can use to fix scratches in vinyl flooring without the need for professional assistance. So, let’s dive in and learn how to repair those bothersome scratches!

Identifying The Type Of Scratch

The first step in fixing scratches in vinyl flooring is to identify the type of scratch you are dealing with. This is important because the repair method will depend on the severity of the scratch. By correctly identifying the kind of scratch, you can ensure that you use the most effective technique to fix the problem.

Surface Scratches

Surface scratches are the most common type of scratch on vinyl flooring. These scratches generally only affect the topmost layer of the vinyl and do not penetrate through to the underlying layers. They are often shallow and can be caused by everyday wear and tear, such as furniture being dragged across the floor or shoes with rough soles.

How to Identify:

  • Surface scratches are usually light and may appear as thin, white lines on the surface of the vinyl.
  • If the scratch is not catching your fingernail or is barely noticeable, it is likely a surface scratch.

How to Fix:

  1. Start by cleaning the area around the scratch with a mild detergent and warm water using a soft cloth or sponge.
  2. Apply a small amount of vinyl floor repair solution to a clean cloth and gently rub it onto the scratch, following the direction of the scratch.
  3. Allow the solution to dry for the recommended time, and then wipe away any excess with a clean, damp cloth.
  4. Inspect the area and repeat the process until the scratch is no longer visible.

Deep Scratches

Deep scratches are more severe and can significantly impact the appearance of your vinyl flooring. These scratches penetrate through the top layer of the vinyl and may reach the underlying layers. Sharp objects often cause them; heavy furniture dragged across the floor, or pets with long nails.

How to Identify:

  • Deep scratches are usually broader and more noticeable than surface scratches.
  • They may expose the inner layers of the vinyl and appear as dark lines or grooves.
  • You can feel the scratch with your fingernail, which may catch on the surface.

How to Fix:

  1. Start by cleaning the area around the scratch with a mild detergent and warm water using a soft cloth or sponge.
  2. If the scratch is wide or deep, you may need a vinyl floor repair kit to fill in the damaged area.
  3. Follow the instructions on the repair kit to mix the filler compound and apply it to the scratch using a putty knife or applicator.
  4. Smooth out the filler and allow it to dry completely.
  5. Once the filler is dry, use fine-grit sandpaper to level the repair and flush it with the surrounding vinyl.

By identifying the type of scratch you have on your vinyl flooring, you can effectively address the issue and restore the beauty of your floor. Whether it’s a surface scratch or a deep scratch, following the appropriate repair method will help extend the lifespan of your vinyl flooring and keep it looking its best.

Methods To Fix Scratches

Vinyl flooring scratches can be easily fixed by simple methods such as using a vinyl scratch repair kit, applying heat with a hairdryer, or using a baking soda paste. These techniques help restore the original appearance of your vinyl flooring without much hassle.

Dealing with scratches on your vinyl flooring can be a frustrating experience. Luckily, you don’t have to live with unsightly scratches forever. There are several effective methods to fix scratches in vinyl flooring, depending on the depth and severity of the damage. In this article, we will explore three popular methods that can help restore the appearance of your vinyl flooring – using a vinyl scratch repair kit, applying vinyl touch-up products, and sanding and filling deep scratches.

Using A Vinyl Scratch Repair Kit

If the scratches on your vinyl flooring are shallow and not too severe, a vinyl scratch repair kit can be an excellent solution. These kits usually have all the necessary tools and materials, including a filler compound, color-matching putty, and a sealant. To fix the scratches using a vinyl scratch repair kit, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the area around the scratches using a mild detergent and a soft cloth. Ensure that there is no dust or debris present.
  2. Apply the filler compound to the scratch using a putty knife or the provided applicator, and smooth it out evenly. Allow it to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Once the compound is dry, apply the color-matching putty on top of the filled scratch. Use a scraping tool or finger to ensure the putty blends seamlessly with the surrounding vinyl.
  4. After the putty has dried, apply the sealant in the kit to protect the repaired area. Follow the recommended drying time before allowing foot traffic on the fixed spot.

Applying Vinyl Touch-up Products

If you have minor scratches or small areas that need touch-ups, vinyl touch-up products can be a convenient solution. These products come in various shades to match different vinyl flooring colors. Here are the steps to apply vinyl touch-up products:

  1. Clean the scratched area thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Using a fine-tip brush or the applicator provided with the touch-up product, carefully apply a small amount of the product to the scratch. Take your time and ensure the application is precise.
  3. Allow the product to dry completely before assessing if an additional layer is needed. Apply more product if necessary, following the same procedure.
  4. Once the touch-up product has dried and the desired color match has been achieved, gently clean the area to remove any excess product.

Sanding And Filling Deep Scratches

Sanding and filling might be the best solution if you have deep scratches that cannot be easily fixed with the previous methods. However, this method requires caution and careful preparation. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Begin by thoroughly cleaning the scratched area, ensuring no dirt or debris is present.
  2. Use fine-grit sandpaper to gently sand the scratched area, buffing away any rough edges. Be mindful not to rub too aggressively or damage the surrounding vinyl.
  3. Once the scratched area is smooth, clean it again to remove any sanding residue.
  4. Apply a vinyl filler compound to the scratch using a putty knife or the provided applicator. Spread the compound evenly and make sure it fills the entire scratched area.
  5. Allow the filler compound to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once dry, sandpaper gently smooth the filled area, blending it with the surrounding vinyl.
  6. Clean the repaired area, removing any residue or dust.
  7. Applying a sealant or a protective coating to the filled scratch is recommended to ensure durability.

Following these methods, you can effectively repair scratches in your vinyl flooring and restore its former beauty. Whether you choose to use a vinyl scratch repair kit, apply vinyl touch-up products, or opt for sanding and filling, always remember to read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the best results.


Fixing scratches in vinyl flooring is a simple process that can be done at home without professional help. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can effectively repair and restore the appearance of your vinyl flooring. Remember to be cautious and use the appropriate tools and materials for the best results.

With a little effort and attention to detail, your vinyl flooring can look as good as new again.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring

How Do You Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring?

To fix scratches in vinyl flooring, start by cleaning the area with a mild cleaner and warm water. Next, apply a vinyl floor repair kit or use a heat gun to soften the scratch and smooth it out. Finally, apply a vinyl floor sealer or polish to restore the shine and protect the repaired area.

Can You Use Nail Polish To Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring?

While nail polish may temporarily cover scratches on vinyl flooring, it is not a recommended long-term solution. Over time, the nail polish will wear off, and the scratch will become visible again. It’s best to use a vinyl floor repair kit or other intended methods to address scratches on vinyl flooring.

How Do You Prevent Scratches In Vinyl Flooring?

To prevent scratches in vinyl flooring, place felt pads on furniture legs, avoid dragging heavy objects across the floor, and use doormats to trap dirt and debris. Additionally, regularly clean and maintain the floor to remove abrasive particles and minimize the risk of scratches.


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