are floor plans public record

Are Floor Plans Public Record?

When it comes to renovations, buying a house, or doing some research on historical issues, one may need to access the floor plans of a building. The layout and structure of a building are captured in these documents; hence, they are very important; however, accessing them is not always straightforward. Consequently, the availability of floor plans can vary substantially from one jurisdiction to another and depend on the nature of the building.

Are Floor Plans Public Record?

Most governments do not consider building floor plans to be public records. Floor plans are often seen as the intellectual property of the architect or designer who created them, or commissioned them by a property owner.

However, in some cases, building floor plans can be made public. Examples include:

Building Permits: When a building is erected or renovated, its designs are generally submitted to the local government as part of the permitting process. These drawings might become open for public perusal and sometimes accessible to those seeking information.

Property Assessments: Several jurisdictions may include in their property assessment documents building floor plans that are usually regarded as official records.

Disclosure Requirements: For instance, when selling real estate, there may be a need to provide various architectural aspects such as flans

Historical Buildings: Plans of important buildings that have historical value can often be obtained from organizations like historical societies, museums and other public archives.

If you require specific floor plans for buildings in question please contact the appropriate local governmental department responsible for permits or property records within that locality; but bear into consideration that privacy/security issues might limit access to such designs.

How to Obtain Floor Plans?

To have an opportunity to see how a given house was constructed by looking at its drawings on paper, one may follow the following methods:

Local Government Offices: Most times you might have to take that first step by contacting either city or county offices responsible for such matters. These departments are usually in charge of keeping all other relevant information including guidelines which will help get your hands into any available copies.

Online Building Records: There are multiple cities and towns with websites that provide access points for people trying to acquire important data. For instance, the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety has an online system where individuals can request different kinds of construction records, but blueprints often come with additional security requirements.

Formal Requests: Another thing is that for instances where you cannot find them openly through certain sites online then formal requests would be required instead. This could involve submitting a written request along with verification of your identity and, potentially, a reason for the request.

Challenges in Accessing Floor Plans

Getting hold of blueprints can take a lot of work. Thus, security matters can lead to redacted copies or even complete denial if it is a building considered vital for public safety. Additionally, these types of drawings could not easily be distributed because there might be copyright issues since they are seen as belonging to the engineers or companies that designed them.

Alternative Methods if Direct Access is Not Possible

In case one cannot get floor plans using direct means, there are other options available for exploration:

Contacting Industry Professionals: When you reach out to architects, builders, and prior owners, some results may come out. Such persons tend to preserve copies of the designs and might consider your request with regard to residential properties in particular.

Historical Societies and Libraries: In situations where a building is old enough, then chances are that historical societies or libraries near you will have some archives containing blueprints and floor plans, if any exist, due to their significance historically.


Although floor plans are useful in many ways, finding them as public records isn’t always easy. It is about grappling with legalities involving privacy concerns and security challenges in order to ensure that researchers/proprietors-to-be are able to obtain certificates necessary for their purposes from elsewhere. Remember that local laws must apply when searching for such documents while also avoiding violations on copyrights and secrecy matters concerning floor plans or blueprints at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a floor plan for an existing house?

There are various steps for finding a floor plan of a house that already exists. The first step is to reach out to the local building department or city planning office as they often keep a record of building plans meant for permitting purposes. Additionally, getting in touch with the original builder or architect may provide access to the floor plans. If it is a relatively new house, the real estate agent involved in the sale might also have copies.

Are building plans public record in California?

Building plans are generally not considered public records in California because of privacy and security concerns. However, such records can be accessed by property owners or persons interested in the property through their local building or planning departments usually subject to some proof of interest and identity.

How do I get a copy of a floor plan?

You can get a copy of your home’s blueprints by paying your local city hall or building department another visit wherein all your properties’ relevant documents are ideally stored. In case you own that particular structure at hand, you will need evidence indicating ownership too. Otherwise, one could consult an architect, surveyor or even an engineer who can draft this from scratch if these document duplicates aren’t available anywhere else.

What does a floor plan show?

A floor plan is simply defined as an accurate depiction on scale showing how rooms appear when placed above each other within any given structuring with its associated measurements involving every single physical attribute contained within it. Specifically, it points out where walls stand, windows reside along staircases moving down into fixings like sinks and furnaces.

What is a floor plan document?

Floor Plan Document can be defined as an elaborate architectural drawing illustrating how a building should be laid out including all technicalities related to dimensions, room names and positions of structural members such as columns among others which serves as guidance during construction activities remodeling exercises space management among many other uses. Basically, it is a blueprint of the structure that guides builders and architects whenever they are working on a project.

Who can make a floor plan?

A qualified architect can create a floor plan. A specialist in drawing could also do this while any interior designer who knows what he or she is doing will be competent enough. Moreover, some specialized software can enable ordinary homeowners to draw such plans for themselves although it would still be necessary to verify them with an expert as well as conforming to guidelines relating to building codes and regulations.