how to get dog pee smell out of wood floors

How to Get Dog Pee Smell out of Wood Floors?

It is a nuisance to find the unwelcome smell of dog urine on your wood floors. It can be there long after the initial incident, which forces people to seek effective ways to get the fresh smell back into their homes. Acting quickly prevents reminders of such mistakes from staying forever in shape.

To rapidly remove the dog pee smell from wood floors, wipe up the urine with a clean cloth and then apply water mixed with vinegar to neutralize the odor. Additionally, one may consider using baking soda or any pet odor eliminator for hardwood floors that are stubborn.

Cleaning dog pee smells off wood floors isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s about making your house homely and inviting. With the proper approach, you can have odorless floors and a welcoming space all over again.

How do you Get Dog Pee Smell out of Wood Floors?

Dealing with the lingering smell of dog pee on your wood floors can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can effectively eliminate it. Follow these simple steps to banish the odor and restore freshness to your home.

Immediate Cleanup

  • Absorb as much pee as you can with paper towels.
  • Rinse out the area using clean water to decrease the strength of urine.

Vinegar Solution

  •  Mix equal amounts of water and white vinegar.
  •  Apply this solution to the place and allow it to stay for 2-3 minutes so that the smells are gone.

Baking Soda Absorption

  • Sprinkle baking soda on that area, then leave it overnight.
  • The next day, use a vacuum cleaner or broom to sweep away all remaining traces of baking soda, and the smell is completely gone.

Enzymatic Cleaner

  • Use commercial enzymatic cleaners made specifically for pet urine.
  • Follow the instructions given by the manufacturer for more information about how to get rid of such smells in your house effectively.

Sealant Application

  • After cleaning, apply a sealant on hardwood floors to prevent future urine odors from permeating them once again.
  • Ensure that your floor is free from any dirt before applying this sealant, and you should also ensure that it is completely dry after washing before applying this sealing product, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Immediate Cleanup

When you notice your dog has had an accident on your wood floors, swift action is crucial to prevent the urine from seeping into the wood and causing a lasting smell. Grab some paper towels and blot up as much of the urine as possible. After that, rinse the area with clean water to dilute the urine and prevent it from setting into the wood’s pores.

Vinegar Solution

Wood floors are known for absorbing smells where alcohol has been used, but vinegar is good in removing these odors, including pee marks left behind by your dog. You will require equal quantities of water and white vinegar to make a mixture that can be used in this case. Allow it to remain on the spot for about 5-10 minutes so as to penetrate into the wood and neutralize the smell. It is one of the simplest methods that anyone can apply, but it works wonders when eliminating an offensive odor.

Baking Soda Absorption

Another thing you need is baking soda since it helps absorb unpleasant smells, including that from dog urine on a hardwood floor. First, clean up the area where your pet has peed, then sprinkle a little baking soda over there. Let it sit overnight to get rid of any remaining smell completely. On the next day, sweep or vacuum the baking soda away to reveal fresh wood floors.

Enzymatic Cleaner

To remove stubborn pee odors that just don’t seem to go away no matter how much you wash or spray, use commercial enzymatic cleaners made especially for animal waste materials such as urine. These products contain enzymes that help break down pee molecules, removing unwanted smells inside your home. * Follow all instructions provided by producers on usage, plus ensure application throughout the affected zone.

Sealant Application

 To avoid future accidents and continue with our cleaning routine, we need to seal wood floors after cleaning them thoroughly.

A sealant forms a protective coat, preventing urine from penetrating wooden surfaces, hence leading to smelling areas within your house walls due to unattended pets’ urinary responsibilities. Make sure you have cleaned off any dirt from this floor before using this sealant; also, remember it should be absolutely dry after washing when applying this sealing product according to the manufacturer’s recommendation for optimum results.


Does dog pee ruin Hardwood Floors?

Absolutely, if not taken care of for a long time, it’s possible that dog urine can destroy hardwood floors. With how acidic and highly concentrated ammonia is in urine, that alone can cause discoloration and staining, and on top of all that, it’ll make the wood warp or buckle. There’s also the issue of moisture from the urine seeping into the wood, which could add further damage in addition to potential odor issues if you don’t clean it properly. You must clean regularly and remove pet accidents quickly to prevent long-term damage to your hardwood floors.


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