What to Do With Furniture When Getting New Flooring

What to Do With Furniture When Getting New Flooring?

When getting new flooring, remove your furniture from the space or cover it with protective materials to avoid damage. Getting new flooring can be exciting and revitalize your living space.

However, it also entails the challenge of what to do with your furniture during the installation. The last thing you want is to risk damaging your precious furniture during the flooring process. Fortunately, there are two simple solutions to this problem.

You can clear the space entirely by removing your furniture or covering it with protective materials to shield it from potential harm. We will explore both options in detail and provide helpful tips to ensure a smooth transition to your new flooring without compromising the integrity of your furniture.

Planning For New Flooring

When getting new flooring, it is essential to have a plan for what to do with your furniture. Consider options like moving furniture to another room or renting a storage unit to ensure a smooth and efficient flooring installation.

Measure And Assess Your Space

Before embarking on your new flooring project, measuring and assessing your space accurately is essential. This step ensures that you have a clear understanding of the dimensions and layout of your room, enabling you to make informed decisions about the amount and type of flooring materials required. Start by taking precise measurements of the length and width of your floor area. It is also crucial to consider any nooks, corners, or irregularities affecting the installation process. By accounting for these details, you can minimize wastage and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Research And Select The Appropriate Flooring Type

Choosing the right flooring type is vital to achieve the desired aesthetic and functionality. Various flooring options are available, each with unique features and characteristics. Before deciding, conduct thorough research to understand the pros and cons of different materials. Factors such as durability, maintenance requirements, moisture resistance, and style compatibility should be considered. Consider your lifestyle, preferences, and the room’s purpose when selecting. Whether you opt for hardwood, laminate, vinyl, tile, or carpet, ensure it aligns with your vision and suits the overall design of your space.

Budgeting And Timeline Considerations

Setting a budget and establishing a realistic timeline are integral parts of any home improvement project. Start by determining how much you will invest in your new flooring. Research the average cost of materials and installation services to understand the overall expenditure. If applicable, it is essential to factor in additional expenses such as underlayment, adhesives, and professional installation fees. When creating a timeline, consider the availability of the desired flooring materials, as well as the availability of installers. Be aware that certain flooring types may require time for acclimatization or preparation before installation. You can carefully plan your budget and timeline to ensure a smooth and efficient flooring upgrade process.

Preparing Your Furniture

To prepare your furniture for new flooring:

  1. Start by removing any smaller items like decor or tableware.
  2. Carefully lift and relocate larger pieces to avoid scratching or damaging the furniture and the flooring.
  3. Consider using furniture pads or sliders to protect your surfaces further when moving.

Evaluate The Condition Of Your Furniture

Before you start getting new flooring, take some time to assess the condition of your furniture. This step is crucial to determine whether your furniture can withstand the move, temporary storage, and eventually be placed back in your newly renovated space.

Look for any signs of damage, such as broken legs, torn upholstery, or loose screws. Assess the overall stability of each piece to ensure it will be safe to use once you move it back in.

If you come across items that are beyond repair or have major structural issues, consider replacing them. Getting new flooring is a perfect opportunity to freshen up your space with new furniture, so take advantage of it.

Determine What Furniture To Keep And What To Replace

Once you have evaluated the condition of your furniture, it’s time to make some decisions. Determine what pieces are worth keeping and what should be replaced to complement your new flooring.

Consider the style, size, and functionality of each item. Ask yourself if the piece will still fit well in the updated space. Sometimes, a simple change in flooring can alter the overall aesthetic of a room, and certain furniture pieces may no longer blend harmoniously.

Additionally, take into account your personal preferences and lifestyle. If a particular piece no longer serves its purpose or doesn’t align with your vision for the room, it may be time to say goodbye and find a replacement.

Prep Your Furniture For Temporary Storage

While your new flooring is installed, you must find temporary storage for your furniture. Properly preparing your furniture for storage is crucial to ensure its safety and condition.

Start by cleaning each piece thoroughly. Dust, vacuum, and wipe down all surfaces to remove dirt or debris. This will prevent any damage or staining during storage.

Disassemble any furniture that can be dismantled. This will make it easier to transport and store and reduce the risk of damage. Keep all screws, bolts, and other small parts organized in labeled bags or containers so that you can easily reassemble the items later.

Consider covering your furniture with protective materials such as blankets or plastic wraps. This will add an extra layer of protection against dust, scratches, and other potential hazards.

Lastly, find a secure and climate-controlled storage space to keep your furniture. This will help prevent any damage caused by extreme temperatures or humidity fluctuations. Make sure to arrange the items to maximize the use of space and minimize the risk of any shifting or falling.

Options For Furniture During Installation

When installing new flooring, it’s essential to consider what to do with your furniture. Moving furniture around can be daunting, but it is necessary to ensure a smooth and hassle-free installation process. Fortunately, there are several options available to you. Let’s explore some of them:

Move Furniture To Other Parts Of Your Home

If you have enough space in your home, consider temporarily moving the furniture to other rooms. This option allows you to keep your furniture close by while providing enough space for the flooring installation. Before the installation starts, you can rearrange your furniture in other parts of the property, such as spare rooms, the living room, or the basement. This way, you can access your belongings without needing external storage facilities.

Rent Temporary Storage

If moving your furniture within your home is not feasible, or you prefer to create a clutter-free environment during the flooring installation, renting temporary storage is an excellent option. Many storage facilities offer short-term rental plans to accommodate your needs. You can store your furniture safely and conveniently by renting storage space until the flooring installation is complete. This option allows you to focus on the installation process without worrying about potential damage to your furniture.

Utilize Professional Moving And Storage Services

Utilizing professional moving and storage services is an alternative to self-moving and storage. These services are specifically designed to help you during the transition period of flooring installation. With this option, a team of professionals will handle the moving process for you, efficiently transporting your furniture to a secure storage facility and returning it to your home after the installation. By using professional services, you can save time and effort while ensuring the safety of your furniture throughout the process.

Considering the options available to you regarding your furniture during flooring installation is an essential step in ensuring a stress-free experience. Whether you move the furniture within your home, rent temporary storage, or utilize professional moving and storage services, finding the right solution will make the installation process much smoother. You can enjoy your new flooring without any worries by taking the necessary steps to protect your furniture.


When getting new flooring, it is essential to have a plan for your existing furniture. Consider options such as temporarily moving it to another room, renting a storage unit, or donating it. Protecting your furniture during the flooring installation process is crucial to ensure its longevity.

By taking these steps, you can seamlessly transition to your new flooring without any hassle or damage to your beloved furniture.

Frequently Asked Questions For What To Do With Furniture When Getting New Flooring

Do You Need To Remove All Furniture To Install Flooring?

No, you don’t need to remove all furniture to install flooring. However, moving large, heavy furniture is recommended to ensure smooth installation.

Can You Replace Floors Without Moving Furniture?

Yes, you can replace floors without moving furniture. It is possible to work around the existing furniture and install new floors.

What Do You Do With Furniture When Getting Floors Refinished?

Remove all furniture from the room before refinishing the floors to prevent any damage or obstruction.

How Do I Prepare My House For New Flooring?

To prepare your house for new flooring: 1. Remove all furniture and belongings from the room. 2. Clean the floor thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. 3. Repair any damaged areas or uneven surfaces. 4. Measure and plan the layout of the new flooring.


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